
Rather than installing multiple scoped packages, the remirror package is a gateway to using all the goodness that remirror provides while minimising your bundle size.

Use the installation instruction outlined below, depending on the package manager used in your project.

# yarn
yarn add remirror@next @remirror/pm@next
# pnpm
pnpm add remirror@next @remirror/pm@next
# npm
npm install remirror@next @remirror/pm@next

You will also notice that you are also installing @remirror/pm. This is a peer dependency to all the scoped @remirror packages which interact with prosemirror-*. It provides some assurances around the versions of prosemirror libraries being used and helps simplify the codebase.

Browser support

If you are using remirror with a project like next.js or gatsby you will also need to add the following browserlist configuration.

Remirror aims to be compatible with all browsers released since 2017.

To use this configuration in your own project you can add the following to your package.json file. Tools like babel and postcss are aware of this configuration.

"browserslist": ["since 2017"]

You can also use a .browserlistrc file.

since 2017

The main reason for this configuration is to support class syntax properly. Projects like next.js automatically compile your code down to es5 which causes problems when extending classes. If you don't plan on creating your own extensions or presets, you can ignore this requirement.